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Josefowitz, N. & Swallow, S. (2024). The behavioral activation workbook for depression. Oakland, CA.: New Harbinger

Josefowitz, N. & Myran, D. (2021). CBT  Made Simple, 2nd edition. Oakland, CA.: New Harbinger

Josefowitz, N. & Myran, D. (2017). CBT Made Simple. Oakland, CA.: New Harbinger

Chapters in Books


Worling, J., Josefowitz, N., & Maltar, M. (2011). Reducing shame and increasing guilt and responsibility with adolescewnts who have offended sexually: A CBT-based treatment approach. In  Calder, M.C. (Ed).  Contemporary practice with young people who sexually abuse: Evidence-based developments.  Lyme Regis, Dorset, UK: Russell House Publishing; American rights with Neari Press. 

Josefowitz, N.  (2011). Confidentiality.  In Evans, David R. (Ed.). (2011). The Law, Standards, and Ethics in the Practice of Psychology (3rd. ed.). Toronto, ON: Carswell


Josefowitz, N.  (2004). Confidentiality.  In D. Evans (Ed.). The law, standards of practice and ethics  in the

practice of psychology (2nd edition.). Toronto: Emond Montgomery

Josefowitz, N.  (1997). Confidentiality.  In D. Evans (Ed.). The law, standards of practice and ethics  in the practice

of psychology. Toronto: Emond Montgomery

Publications in Refereed Journals

(If you click on the article, it will take you to the online abstract)

Barnes, R., & Josefowitz, N. (2021). The long shadows of bad policies: A model for understanding the psychological impacts of Indian residential schools in Canada. APA Journals Article Spotlight, No. 224. 

Goldenson, J. & Josefowitz, N. (2021). Remote forensic psychological assessment in civil cases: Considerations for experts
assessing harms from early life abuse. Psychological Injury and Law


Barnes, R., & Josefowitz, N. (2019). Indian residential schools in Canada: Persistent impacts on Aboriginal students' psychological development and functioning. Canadian Psychology, 60(2), 65-76.


Josefowitz, N. (2017). Incorporating imagery into thought records: Increasing engagement in balanced thoughts. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 11, 215 - 230


Barnes, R.A. & Josefowitz, N. (2014a) Forensic assessment of adults reporting childhood sexualized assault: A lifespan developmental analysis. Psychological Injury and Law. doi:10.1007/s12207-014-9185-z


Barnes, R.A. & Josefowitz, N. (2014b) Forensic assessment of adults reporting childhood sexualized assault: Risk, resilience, and impacts. Psychological Injury and Law. doi:10.1007/s12207-014-9184-0


Barnes, R., Josefowitz, N., & Cole, E. (2006). Residential schools: Impact on Aboriginal students academic and cognitive development. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 21, 18 - 32

Josefowitz, N. & Myran, D. (2005).  Towards a person centred cognitive behaviour therapy. 

Counselling Psychology Quarterly. 18, 329 -336. One of the top ten most downloaded articles of the journal in 2006


Musicar, L. & Josefowitz, N. (1996).  Flashback phenomena in survivors of childhood sexual abuse: A four stage treatment model. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 26 177-191  


Russon, A., Josefowitz, N., & Edmonds, C. (1994).  Making computer instruction accessible: Familiar analogies for female novices.  Computers in Human Behavior, 10, 175-187


Siegel, Z., Myran, D., Persad, E., & Josefowitz, N. (1990).  Combining cognitive and pharmacotherapy in the treatment of a depressed inpatient. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15 1188-1196

Josefowitz, N. (1989). How unassertive women perceive emotional expressions.  Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 1 239-245


Stermac L. & Josefowitz N.  (1985). A board game for teaching social skills to emotionally disturbed adolescents. Journal of Child Care2 31-38


Rice, M.E. & Josefowitz, N.  (1983). Assertion popularity, and social behavior in maximum security psychiatric patients.  Corrective and Social Psychiatry, 29 97-104


Wolfgang, A. & Josefowitz, N.  (1978).  Chinese immigrant value changes with length of time in Canada and value differences compared to Canadian students. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 10 130-135


Josefowitz, N. & Marjoribanks, K. (1978). Religious affiliations, church attendance and social attitudes. Psychological Reports, 42 1097-1098


Josefowitz, N. & James, S. (1977). Children's mental health:  Caregiver's concerns. Canada's Mental Health, 25 17-18


Shell, N. Josefowitz & James, S. (1977). Daycare workers in the prevention process:  A study in their orientation to children and implications for day care training.  Canadian Counsellor, 11 131-135

Marjoribanks, K. & Josefowitz, N. (1975). Kerlinger's theory of social attitudes:  An analysis. Psychological Reports, 37 819-823

Publications in the Proceedings of the Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies

Josefowitz, N. The psychology of politeness among the Javanese. In G.B. Hainsworth (ed), Southeast Asia: Women, changing social structure and cultural continuity: Selected proceedings. Ninth Annual Conference Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies 1979, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1981

Josefowitz, N. Indonesian students' perception of sex roles in the family. In O. Mehmet (ed), Poverty and social change in Southeast Asia: Selections from the proceedings of the Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies, 1978 Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1979

Josefowitz, N. An analysis of Javanese healing rituals. In G.P. Means (ed) The past in Southeast Asia's present: Selected proceedings of the Canadian Council for Southeast Asian Studies, 1977 Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press,1978

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